2014.04.03 - 04.06
- 地點:墾丁鵝鑾鼻公園
Advanced Tickets 預售票
優惠多日套票 Multi-day Pass & 單日票 1-Day Pass
*多日套票有效期間為 4/3 ~ 4/6(多日有效換證票券,每張限供一人使用.包含露營)
*單日票有效期間為 4/4 或 4/5 (每張限供一人使用, 4/3及4/6不開放單日票僅供購買多日套票來賓入場,不包含露營)
Advanced Multi-day Passes & 1-Day Passes are available now.
*Multi-day Pass - Valid for both Friday the 4th and Saturday the 5th of April 2014. (As well as the pre party on the 3rd and the after-party on the 6th. Multi-day pass holders can camp on site for free but must register a camp space.)
*1-Day Pass - Valid for either Friday the 4th or Saturday the 5th of April 2014. (It is not valid for Thursday the 3th or Sunday the 6th. 1-Day Pass holders are not eligible to camping on site.).
期間 period |
單日票價格 |
套票價格 |
where to buy |
1/16~1/31 |
850 元 |
1200 元 |
2/1~2/14 |
875 元 |
1250 元 |
2/15~2/28 |
900 元 |
1300 元 |
3/1~3/15 |
925 元 |
1350 元 |
3/16~3/31 |
950 元 |
1400 元 |
4/1~4/5 |
975 元 |
1450 元 |
Ibon 7-11 |
4/3~4/5 |
1000 元 |
1500 元 |
*活動現場票口現買價CASH PRICE AT DOOR:套票 Multi-day pass ticket – NT$ 1500。
*活動現場票口現買價CASH PRICE AT DOOR:單日票 1-day pass ticket – NT$ 1000。
本活動預售票券相關處理問題請洽”iNDIEVOX”售票服務電話- TEL:02-2740-8585 (12:00-18:00)
其他問題請洽“春天吶喊”主辦單位﹣蘿蔔瑞克音樂事業有限公司(Contact us)。
【 活動及節目簡介。A Run-down of this years Spring Scream 】
4月3日。活動地點:最南露營區 (17:00 開放入場)
你將會看到藝術家們和工程人員這時候差不多在做他們的最後佈置及裝置工作,所以這一天將是只有在最南露營區,盛大派對逐漸揭開序幕的第一天!這一天就是活動 開始前的“暖身派對”,算是現場佈置最後一個收尾的日子,也像是個試演開幕派對,現場會有1到2個舞台有正式演出,也許還有DJ舞台。影展台可能會開始播 電影,還有Bandwidth舞台,一切就緒,即將正式拉開“春天吶喊”活動序幕。
4月4日 & 4月5日
April 3rd - Pre party! (Multi-day Pass holders only and Bands and Djs and volunteers and staff and horses)
Artists and engineers and stalls are finishing putting final touches on things in the main field, so this is the day everything in the campground is up and running.
It’s the Pre-Party… The last day of the “build.” The soft opening. A stage will be up. Bands will be rockin’ it. And of course, it will be festive.
April 4th,5th – SPRING SCREAM ignites!! 20 Years buckin’
200 plus bands & djs. 8 stages! In Erluanbi Lighthouse national Park! Sun. Fun. Grass. Sky. Ocean. Music. All that good stuff.
April 6th- After-Party (Multi-day Pass holders only and Bands and Djs and volunteers and staff and horses)
Very relaxed atmosphere of decompression in the campground. A stage is set up for the after-party! Bands playing sets, impromptu jam sessions with groups of musicians. Goes till midnight.
【注意事項 Annotations】
◎優惠多日套票Multi-day pass ticket:限2013/4/3~ 2013/4/7之多日通行票口換證使用的套票,每張限本人使用乙次。
◎勿隨意購買來路不明的票券以免自身權益受損,相關資訊務請查閱本活動官方網站 www.springscream.com。
◎「春天吶喊 Spring Scream」為”蘿蔔瑞克音樂有限公司”之註冊商標,仿冒必究。
Those who purchase advanced tickets from iNDIEVOX can browse the iNDIEVOX site list of bands who applied to play at this year’s event and click “like” or “favorite” on your favorite music to let us know who you want to see. Discover and share artists that are new to the scene and support their pilgrimage south. Your vote does count, and voting ends when final band selection is complete.
NOTE: If this is your FIRST TIME TO iNDIEVOX, sign up for a free account, (in English and Chinese,) start listening to to great music, fill out your profile with info about your music tastes, and then grab your Spring Scream ticket asap.
NOTE: If you ALREADY HAVE AN iNDIEVOX account, check out some new bands, update your “like” “favorites” list, then buy your ticket online as soon as possible for savings.
With your iNDIEVOX account you can buy one ticket or a group of tickets directly through the website in several convenient ways.
1. Pay immediately with a credit card, or a paypal account.
2. Or PRINT out your order receipt, goto 7-11 and pay cash within 24 hours. (Yes, your online order can be paid for with cash at 7-11!) Note: Your order must be paid for within 24 hours or it will automatically be removed from the system.
3. Tickets purchased with your iNDIEVOX account are only refundable within 7 days of purchase and only directly from iNDIEVOX, not Spring Scream.
Tickets Sold At Every 7-11′s IBON and Familymart’s FAMIPORT Ticket Kiosks Across Taiwan
Tickets can also be purchased with cash at the automated ticket kiosk machines found in all 7-11s and Familymarts. This is a very convenient way to get your ticket! (For all IBON and FAMIPORT ticket kiosk purchases refunds are handled directly through the 7-11 and Familymart respectively, not through Spring Scream.)
ATM purchases can be done directly through the ATM machine and picked up at the door, but you need a Taiwan ID to this. ATM transfer instructions
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Artists 樂團
2014 Spring Scream Horse Band Line Up.
2014 馬年 春天吶喊 樂團公佈名單
All bands will play on the 4th or the 5th of April unless otherwise requested.
- posted 3/10 公佈於3/10
說明:*代表原聲舞台(無鼓座) **代表DJ舞台
+- DJ加減 Fri 4/4@17:00
11:PM Fri 4/4@15:00
88 hachi hachi Sat 4/5@22:50
88balaz 八十八顆芭樂籽 Sat 4/5@20:00
A Small Woman 小女子 Fri 4/4@12:50
A.F.R.O Fri 4/4@20:20
Achun Sat 4/5@15:20
Acidy Peeping Tom 微酸的偷窺狂 Sat 4/5@17:50
AirWalker 云踪者 Fri 4/4@12:50
Andy 部落美男子 Sat 4/5@15:20
Antti Kokkomaki & Tammikuun Lapset Fri 4/4@22:00
armedyouth 農村武裝青年 Fri 4/4@21:10
AsAlliance Fri 4/4@19:30
AssHoleBand 愛嘶吼樂團 Sat 4/5@15:20
Aurora 極光樂團 Fri 4/4@22:50
authority of Liberty 自由權威 Fri 4/4@22:00
autopuzzle Fri 4/4@13:40
Autumn Tea 秋水茶 Fri 4/4@18:40
AwesomeShit Fri 4/4@22:50
B.B.Bomb BB彈 Sat 4/5@20:20
be quixxt! Sat 4/5@21:10
Blackwolf’s Nagashi of Gold Fingers 黑狼點石成金那卡西 Fri 4/4@16:10
BUGPANDA Fri 4/4@21:10
Burning Island 火燒島 Sat 4/5@22:00
Carry Lighter 手握火機 Fri 4/4@13:40
Chairman 董事長樂團 Fri 4/4@19:30
Cheng Jin An 鄭錦安 Sat 4/5@16:10
Cheshire Cat 柴郡貓 Sat 4/5@15:20
Chiana 祁安娜 Sat 4/5@13:40
Chibusaz Fri 4/4@18:40
CIGARO Sat 4/5@17:50
citypartsy 都市零件派對 Fri 4/4@19:30
CoCoon 繭 Fri 4/4@14:30
communityservice 勞動服務 Fri 4/4@17:00
Constant & Change 康是毯的變化球 Sat 4/5@17:00
core point 一點生 Sat 4/5@12:50
Countervalve 逆瓣膜 Sat 4/5@19:30
Crispy 脆樂團 Sat 4/5@21:10
Crossline Fri 4/4@17:00
Dakanow 達卡鬧 Fri 4/4@16:10
Dallas Waldo 阿龍 Sat 4/5@17:00
Denis 許書豪(小豪) Fri 4/4@12:00
Dirty boy 髒男孩 Fri 4/4@12:50
DJ kiNdread Fri 4/4@19:30
DJ Tek Sat 4/5@17:50
DJ Zo Fri 4/4@20:20
Dr Reniculous Lipz & the Skallyunz 白悟空 Sat 4/5@20:20
Dr.Eggs Sat 4/5@22:00
Echo 回聲樂團 Fri 4/4@18:00
eli Sat 4/5@22:50
Elisa Lin 林依霖 Sat 4/5@18:00
Empty Black Box Fri 4/4@20:00
Enfys 恩菲斯 Sat 4/5@19:30
Eric kung 龔敬文 Sat 4/5@12:50
EVER GREEN Sat 4/5@12:00
Faded Moment 凋零瞬間 Fri 4/4@22:00
Fear Index Fri 4/4@20:20
FEEDPIGS 餵飽豬 Sat 4/5@17:00
Florian Bo Sat 4/5@20:20
Fourpens 四枝筆樂團 Fri 4/4@18:40
frankie 夏敬淳 Sat 4/5@13:00
freeman 自由人樂團 Fri 4/4@15:20
Frenchcheese 法式綺思 Sat 4/5@13:40
Fuguko 河豚子 Fri 4/4@17:00
FULLHOUSE Fri 4/4@20:20
Fun People Band 放屁伯樂團 Fri 4/4@21:10
Funky Brothers 放客兄弟 Sat 4/5@19:00
GG BUS 緊急巴士 Sat 4/5@13:40
Gigantic Roar 巨大的轟鳴 Sat 4/5@13:40
GONZO Sat 4/5@21:10
Greedy Black Hole 貪婪黑洞 Sat 4/5@19:30
ha-Aretz 應許之地 Sat 4/5@16:10
Hacker band 駭嗑樂團 Fri 4/4@21:10
HANG IN THE AIR 盪在空中 Sat 4/5@18:40
HAVE SENSE 有感覺樂團 Fri 4/4@17:00
Hengchun 168 恆春168樂團 Sun 4/6 17:00
HiJack Fri 4/4@22:00
HongMao 洪詮翔 Fri 4/4@16:10
InDie Famous 孤芳自賞 Sat 4/5@12:50
Invincible Tapir 無敵貘 Fri 4/4@18:40
IUME Fri 4/4@17:50
Jeez Fri 4/4@14:30
JiangDongChengMing 江東成名 Fri 4/4@12:50
Johnny 張子霽 a.k.a 強尼的烏克麗麗 Sat 4/5@12:00
JOKER Fri 4/4@14:00
Kid King 孩子王 Fri 4/4@15:20
KITrust Sat 4/5@16:10
Kyra Ray 光樂團 Fri 4/4@17:50
La Cumbia Del Sol Sat 4/5@22:00
LGF Sat 4/5@17:00
Li Ke Chun 梨可辰 Sat 4/5@12:50
Long Hair Monster 長毛怪樂隊 Sat 4/5@15:20
LTK 濁水溪公社 Sat 4/5@21:00
Lunchbox Magazine 便當雜誌 Sat 4/5@17:00
LYRA Sat 4/5@20:20
Marmalade butcher Fri 4/4@21:00
Mary See the Future 先知瑪莉 Fri 4/4@17:50
Miki Shinichi(Leaves) Sat 4/5@19:30
Milk 牛奶 Sat 4/5@22:00
Misi Ke 柯泯薰 Sat 4/5@22:00
Missy Mute 吃頻小姐 Fri 4/4@12:50
Mixer 麋先生 Sat 4/5@20:20
MofoParty 脫序派對 Fri 4/4@13:00
Monomania 偏執狂 Fri 4/4@17:00
MOSS Sat 4/5@22:50
Mr. (Mister) Sat 4/5@17:00
Mr.Dirty Sat 4/5@22:50
Naomi Yohani 娜歐米 Sat 4/5@17:00
New Sunglasses 新墨鏡 Fri 4/4@23:00
Nightcap 睡帽樂團 Fri 4/4@15:20
No Money No Honey Sat 4/5@21:10
NOAHTIC Sat 4/5@13:40
noodles Sat 4/5@18:40
OKAN 阿母樂團 Sat 4/5@17:00
One Way Street Fri 4/4@15:20
otaku3 三宅一生 Fri 4/4@21:10
Outlet Drift 漂流出口 Sat 4/5@16:10
OVDS Fri 4/4@21:10
OVERTONE Sat 4/5@14:30
P!SCO Sat 4/5@19:30
Pa Pun Band 怕胖團 Fri 4/4@22:00
Pairs Sat 4/5@21:10
Panfy Fanty Faity Straw Baby’s Fri 4/4@19:30
Pendular Sat 4/5@15:20
Peri M Sat 4/5@14:30
Physical Chemical Brother 理化兄弟 P.C.B Sat 4/5@21:10
Platform 11 十一號月台 Sat 4/5@17:50
Point 22 Fri 4/4@20:20
Posh Inverse 優雅 逆轉 Sat 4/5@14:30
PUMPKINney Fan Club 南瓜妮歌迷俱樂部 Fri 4/4@22:50
Qiu Hong 秋紅 Sat 4/5@21:10
Radge Attack Fri 4/4@17:50
RANDOM 隨性樂團 Fri 4/4@17:50
Random80% Sat 4/5@15:20
RedHare 赤兔 Fri 4/4@12:50
REID Sat 4/5@21:10
RGY big band 黃綠紅大樂隊 Sat 4/5@14:00
Rock’n'Rap 凍頂樂團 Fri 4/4@19:00
ROUGH PROJECT Fri 4/4@16:10
Ryuketsu Blizzard 流血ブリザード Sat 4/5@19:30
Scott Cook Sat 4/5@20:20
Scott Dunbar Sat 4/5@17:50
Secondhand Smoke 二手煙 Sat 4/5@18:40
selinna 賽淋娜大樂隊 Sat 4/5@13:40
SeventyPercent 70%柒拾趴樂團 Sat 4/5@16:10
Sex Goalkeepr 情色守門員 Sat 4/5@20:20
Shoot UP Sat 4/5@17:50
SHOT AND KILLED 肆佰贰拾槍 Sat 4/5@18:40
Shotgun Politics Sat 4/5@17:50
SilentClamor 寂嘩 Fri 4/4@16:10
Silverbus 銀巴士 Fri 4/4@15:20
Skaraoke 司卡拉OK大樂隊 Sat 4/5@23:00
Sorrow of Youth 少年維持的煩惱 Fri 4/4@22:00
Sorry Youth 拍謝少年 Fri 4/4@17:50
Soundboss 騷包樂團 Sat 4/5@22:50
Space Cake 史貝絲考克 Fri 4/4@16:10
SpeedWay Sat 4/5@20:20
Starry Eyes 幻眼樂隊 Sat 4/5@16:00
Stephen Mok stereo is the answer Fri 4/4@14:30
Story Slam Sat 4/5@18:40
Story Slam Sat 4/5@19:30
Suck The Air 倒抽一口氣 Sat 4/5@12:00
Sunjet Wang 王上頡 Fri 4/4@21:10
Swimmy 小黑魚樂團 Sat 4/5@12:50
Swui Band 水樂隊 Fri 4/4@16:10
taezbeatsiro Fri 4/4@22:00
Taimaica Soundsystem 台買加環繞音效 Sat 4/5@18:40
Taipei Cases Taipei公案 Fri 4/4@22:50
taizan ni asobu 泰山に遊ぶ(泰山旅遊) Fri 4/4@20:20
TeamBravo 爆竹 Fri 4/4@13:40
Tears Of The Hypocrite 偽善者的眼淚 Fri 4/4@22:50
Terry 阮泰瑞 Fri 4/4@18:40
The Arrogant 搖擺女孩 Fri 4/4@13:40
The Black Map Fri 4/4@16:10
The Clippers Band 夾子電動大樂隊 Sat 4/5@22:00
The Ever So Friendlies T E S F Sat 4/5@22:00
The Fat Jokers Fri 4/4@18:40
The Girl’s Mood 少女情懷 Fri 4/4@14:30
The Locals X PUNKHOO Benn 草地人 X 胖虎Benn Fri 4/4@17:00
The Message 信息樂團 Fri 4/4@15:20
The Other Side 另一邊樂團 Sat 4/5@16:10
The Real Man Sat 4/5@17:00
the tonic 主音樂團 Sat 4/5@16:10
The Unspoken Rules 潛規則 Sat 4/5@12:50
The Valkyrie Fri 4/4@19:30
THESAMEDAY 平凡生活 Sat 4/5@17:50
Tiest 小尾巴 Sat 4/5@14:30
Tiffany Chan 陳蔚琦 Fri 4/4@20:20
tigerpunch 虎拳 Fri 4/4@17:50
Tight Tight Crotch 緊褲襠 Fri 4/4@14:30
Timothy Cheuk 12.8 Sat 4/5@14:30
Tinderbox 聽盒 Sat 4/5@14:30
Tiny Fingers Fri 4/4@22:00
Tiny Fingers Thu 4/3@21:00
toridmay Fri 4/4@17:50
True And Love 丘與樂樂團 Fri 4/4@21:10
Twisterella Sat 4/5@16:10
UNIST Fri 4/4@22:50
voice of life 原味醞釀 Fri 4/4@16:00
we.man.Love Thu 4/3@18:40
WEED 樂團 Fri 4/4@17:00
When I See The Mushroom Cloud 蘑菇雲 Fri 4/4@13:40
WhyOceans Fri 4/4@17:00
Will Ng 黃威爾 Fri 4/4@14:30
Wondergarl 神奇膠 Fri 4/4@20:20
WStethoscope 白袍與聽診器 Fri 4/4@15:20
Xiao Ou and DJ Peewee Sat 4/5@18:40
Yakult Psyche 愛的養樂多 Fri 4/4@22:50
Yellowback 野樂派 Sat 4/5@15:20
yesido Sat 4/5@18:40
YOU-S 你們你們 Fri 4/4@18:40
Youthbanana 台青蕉 Sat 4/5@14:30
Zenkwun 神棍樂團 Fri 4/4@18:40
呂帥鋒 呂帥鋒 Fri 4/4@13:40
Getting There
Getting to Spring Scream 如何到春天吶喊的會場?
There are many ways to get to Kenting. HSR, Train, Bus, Taxi, Bike, Skateboard, or any combination of these modes of transportation. Search on line “Getting to Kenting, Taiwan.” There will be much more information that we could possible offer here.
Once in Kenting…you are very close.
From Kenting Town to Erluanbi Lighthouse National Park where the festival is located takes about 10 minutes and you can take a taxi, hitch a ride, or catch the Spring Scream shuttle bus that operates frequently throughout the day. The main entrance to the festival is at the Erluanbi National Park South Point Campground located near the entrance to the Southern Most Point of Taiwan.
從墾丁大街到鵝鑾鼻公園 (春天吶喊活動會場),車程大約只要15分鐘,你可以選擇搭計程車,搭便車或”春天吶喊接駁公車” 請注意春天吶喊活動的入口是在靠近台灣”最南點”的旁邊,但是只要你到了鵝鑾鼻公園,路上就會有我們親切的工作人員會指引你怎麼走到入口的.
![2014墾丁春天吶喊時間(預售票票價|節目|交通|接駁|表演團體|露營) 2014墾丁春天吶喊(預售票票價|節目|交通|接駁|表演團體|露營) 比基尼南洋墾丁春天吶喊春吶春天海生館優待票2014預售票票價露營表演團體接駁交通節目鵝鑾鼻](https://imageproxy.pixnet.cc/imgproxy?url=https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1.0-9/1904135_607740002645986_463117067_n.jpg&width=500&height=192)
Getting to Spring Scream from outside of Taiwan:
Most international flights will bring you to TaoYuan International Airport (CKS).
Public transport from TaoYuan International Airport options include the High Speed Railway (HSR) from TaoYuan down to ZuoYing (near Kaohsiung) followed by a combination of public and shuttle buses to the event site.Take a shuttle bus from into Taipei to take the Spring Scream bus down.
We highly recommend you flying directly into the closer Kaohsiung International Airport and taking a shuttle bus to HengChun (Kenting). Saving alot of time and hassle. If you are planning on sight seeing in Taipei before or after Spring Scream, you may want to plan your arrival or departure from the TaoYuan (CKS) airport.
你可以選擇從桃園坐高鐵直達”左營站”(就在高雄市),然後在高鐵站外就可搭乘聯營公車或墾丁直達專車到鵝鑾鼻公園下車,接著跟著路上指示步行約5~10 分鐘就可抵達會場;另外也可先到台北市後,到指定地點搭乘”春吶直達專車”,我們建議你也可以直飛高雄國際機場,然後再搭接駁車到屏東縣恆春鎮(墾丁), 那裡也有很多公車直達春天吶喊會場(鵝鑾鼻公園).
2. Other ways to Spring Scream:
<HSR> 台灣高鐵
The total travel time from Taipei to Kaohsiung (Zuoying) via HSR is approximately 90 mins. After arrival in Zuoying, exit the station and head outside where there is a bus stop. Catch the line 88 bus to Kenting and back to the HSR at the end of the festival. Make sure to ask the driver to take you to Erluanbi Lighthouse.
If you are travelling with friends, taxis are a viable option. One way to Kenting is around 1,600NT- 2000NT. The taxis can take 4 people. Prices may vary. Bargaining is a better option, but so is a meter.
It is advisable to reserve your HSR tickets by telephone or online, if traveling on the weekend. Weekend trains can be easily sold out.
如果搭乘高鐵從台北直達高雄 (左營站)大概需要90分鐘,抵達左營站後出了車站左手邊就是巴士搭乘處,台88線公車部份路線有來回於高鐵左營站和春天吶喊活動會場之間的,上車時請記 得先問司機先生是 否有確定到”鵝鑾鼻公園”;如果你是和朋友一起來的話,建議你可以選擇從高鐵站坐計程車包車過來,費用大概在新台幣1600~2000元左右,一次可以載 四個人,但包車的價格空間不小,請先和司機議價好再上車;你也可以用電話預訂高鐵票,不過在週末時車票通常很容易就會賣完了.
南灣古稱金沙灣,因為其海灘上佈滿了白沙,遠處望去太陽照射之下有如金沙閃閃,又稱為金沙灣。 其海灣海浪一波波湧起,有如藍浪入侵,亦又稱為藍灣。